San Diego 2026

Call for Papers

The Pan-American Society of Transportation and Logistics Research (PANAMSTR) is delighted to invite researchers, practitioners, and professionals to participate in the 2026 Pan-American Congress in Transportation and Logistics Research, to be held in San Diego, California. This congress aims to foster collaboration and innovation across the Americas, promoting academic and practical advancements in transportation, logistics, and related fields.

Conference Themes

We invite submissions on a wide range of topics within transportation and logistics, including but not limited to:

Guidelines for Authors

Extended abstracts will undergo a double-blinded review process for approval and should adhere to the following guidelines:

Word Count: The extended abstract should be between 1,500 and 3,000 words.

Format: Use the official congress template (available on the submission portal).

Content: The texted abstract must include the following elements: Main objectives of the research, Scope, Methodology, Results, Conclusions

Structure: The extended abstract should include: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusions

Languages: Submissions are accepted in English, Spanish, and Portuguese

Submission Options: Prospective authors can opt for:

Additionally, authors of accepted abstracts will have the opportunity to submit their complete manuscripts to special issues in journals that will be announced during the event.

Important Dates

Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: [August 31, 2025]

Notification of Acceptance: [November 15, 2025]

Full Paper Submission Deadline (Special Issues): [To be announced]

Conference Dates: May 27-29, 2026

Submission Portal

Submit your extended abstracts through the PANAMSTR submission system at [submission link - to be updated].